Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cleaning lint off your Hair Brush

Do you look at your brush and notice those pesky white buggers clinging on for dear life at the base of the bristles? Do you wonder if it's dandruff and, if so, what you should do about it? If you don't have a history of dandruff and it's not flaking all over your clothing, then don't worry, you don't have a severe case of dandruff. In reality, this is probably just some of your dead skin cells off your scalp, but mostly random lint that was stuck in your hair from your pillow or dust that has accumulated and gotten condensed and stuck down on your brush. This doesn't mean you have to throw away your brush either. Some brushes we purchase can be extremely expensive, and if we were to throw them out every few weeks we got debris on them, we would be out a lot of money. So I'm going to give you a simple, yet effective, method for cleaning off your brushes completely; it involves a little bit of elbow grease and a basic solution.

First, to get rid of the bulk of the debris, you should use a comb to take out any of the lint and hair from the bristles of the brush, all the way from the bottom to the top of the teeth. Then, you can either use a large bowl for this, or just simply the sink to fill about 3/4 of the way up and fill it with the hottest water you can get out of your tap. Pour some of your shampoo inside, about as much as you could fit in your palm and swish it around to make a lather, and do the same with about half a cup of distilled white vinegar (this is the regular, inexpensive vinegar). Place your hairbrush in the sink or bowl and let it sit there for about 15 minutes to soak so that your debris becomes moistened, softer, and easier to get rid of. After taking the brush out, use the comb again to remove what is left of the lint by pulling it the opposite way (pull it towards the base of the brush this time) because it will be on the top of the bristles. You should do this every few weeks if you can, it will help get rid of all that stuff that makes your hair oily when you brush it, namely old gel residue, hair spray residue, flaked off skin cells and the oils from your hair that have accumulated on the brush. Try not to use the brush until it is fully dry because brushing your hair with a wet brush may cause it to cling to your hair and pull out pieces that should not have otherwise come out.

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